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Degree Programs

Abundant Living Bible College was established to equip men and women to be victorious in every area of life. It is our desire to produce men and women of God who are knowledgeable in the Word of God, strong in faith principles, compassionate to the needs of others, and as bold as a lion! With this goal in mind, Abundant Living Bible College offers several distinct programs of study. Among these are the Pastoral, Evangelist, and Missionary pathways.


Abundant Living Bible College is designed for those who would like to pursue an in-depth study of the Bible and experience the glory of God. This program is not just for the full-time minister, but for both new converts and individuals who want to know how to apply the Bible to their daily lives. 
Students enrolled in this program who successfully complete one academic year will earn a One Year Certificate of Completion. 

Students who meet all graduation requirements may participate in the annual graduation commencement exercises in full cap and gown.


Students enrolled in the two-year program will train for ministry, pursue an intense study of the Bible, enhance their current skills, gain a deeper understanding of the things of God, learn how to better relate to people, and obtain invaluable instruction on Faith, the Holy Spirit, Bible Prophecy and other theological areas. 
Students enrolled in this program who successfully complete all required courses will receive an associate degree. 

Students who meet all graduation requirements may participate in the annual graduation commencement exercises in full cap and gown. 
Abundant Living Bible College’s second year is measured in academic credit hours. Academic credit hours are transferable from one post-secondary institution to another and are subject to the guidelines and restrictions of the post-secondary institution that receives the credits.


During the third year, ALBC students will work with gaining hands-on experience in the Pastoral, Evangelical, and Missionary roles as well as being placed under the tutelage of the pastoral team at Abundant Life Church to obtain a working knowledge of day-to-day operations in a church and ministry setting. 

Students enrolled in this program who successfully complete all required courses will receive a Certificate of specialized training in Pastoral, Evangelical, or Missionary studies. 
Students who meet all graduation requirements may participate in the annual graduation commencement exercises in full cap and gown.

Programs of Study


12 Pillars of Faith
The Anointing
Authority of the Believer
Bible Doctrines
Bible Geography and Culture
Christ the Healer
Church History
Faith I
Gifts of the Spirit
Helps & the Local Church
The Holy Spirit
Kingdom Identity
Missions I

New Creation Realities
New Testament Survey
Old Testament Survey
Prayer I
Revival: Nothing More,

   Nothing Less, Nothing Else
Righteousness vs. Sin 
Seeing Jesus as He Really Is
Soul Winning I
Stewardship I
Submission & Authority
This Present Glory


Angels and Demons
The Blessing
Book of Acts
Christian Lifestyle 
Faith II
Great Awakenings
Healing & Miracle Ministry of Jesus
Homiletics I and II
Intercessory Prayer and Spiritual Warfare

Israel: A Virtual Tour
The Love Walk


Ministry Gifts
Missions II
Old Testament Men of Faith
Preparation for Ministry/The Minister's Family
Prison Epistles
Signs & Wonders: The Book of Acts
The Tabernacle of Moses
Worship as a Lifestyle



1st Hour

2nd Hour

3rd Hour

8:45 - 9:00 AM

9:10 - 10:00 AM

10:10 - 11:00 AM

11:10 - 12:00 PM

Course Descriptions

1-Course Descriptions

Programs of Study


12 Pillars of Faith - There are foundational truths in God’s Word that, as Holy Ghost-filled believers, we must truly comprehend and grasp to be foundational truths, thereby making them pillars of our faith. This course will expound on these twelve pillars: 1) My Heart, 2) My Mission, 3) My Worship, 4) My Family, 5) My Treasure, 6) My Father, 7) My Comforter, 8) My Road Map, 9) My Absolutes, 10) My Prayer Life, 11) My Crowns, 12) My Jesus
The Anointing - In this series on the Anointing, some key truths are revealed to the anointing learned in over 30 years of ministry. The student will learn that the anointing is present to heal, deliver, set free, and set ablaze anyone who is hungry and desperate enough to be used by God.
Authority of the Believer – As believers, we have authority that some of us may not be aware of. We may even be walking in it and not knowing it. This course is to help us open God’s Word about “Authority” so that as believers we may not only live out our God-given authority but also begin to see God’s perfect plan unfold in our lives on a daily basis.
Bible Doctrines – In this course we will take time to study the subjects of what we believe and understand why we believe them. We will also begin to build a solid foundation on the biblical truths that our doctrine is built upon, as well as expose false doctrines concerning what we believe as Christians.

Bible Geography and Culture - This course is designed to show how the land of both the Old and New Testament Bible, climate, seasons, and other components of the geography, including the people and their culture are reflected, or mirrored in the Bible and so help in the better understanding of both the Bible and geography.  Relevant archaeological, historical, and biblical material is integrated into the lectures.

Christ the Healer – This course will help to establish, from the scriptures, that it is God’s will to heal all today and to correct wrong thinking about certain passages of scripture misunderstood by those who oppose divine healing.


Church History – The purpose of this course is to help the student become familiar with the periods of Church history, important leaders, significant issues, great movements, and the characteristics of the True Church.  Emphasis will be given to the Pentecostal/charismatic movements that have arisen since the book of Acts and have continued throughout history to the present day.  
Faith I – An understanding of the different types of Faith that are required to enable the student to minister in a way that will not only impact their lives but most importantly, the lives of others.


Gifts of the Spirit – This is a study course of the Gifts of the Spirit according to 1 Corinthians 12. The student will learn who the gifts are from, who the gifts are for, and what their purpose is, according to the Bible.
Helps & The Local Church I – This course will give the student a biblical understanding of the helps ministry in relation to the local church which works in conjunction with a worldwide ministry.


Hermeneutics- This course is designed to give the student an understanding in biblical interpretation and how to effectively study the scriptures.  The three types of interpretation that we will cover in this course: literal, moral, and allegorical.

The Holy Spirit – A course on the Person and the work of the Holy Spirit. Emphasis is made on foundational truths that will radically change the student’s way of thinking. Students will discover what it’s like to know the person of the Holy Spirit in a great way – to really know Him as our best friend.
Kingdom Identity - This course will provide the believer with a foundational understanding of who he or she is in Christ and who He is in them.  Focus will be given to  key identity traits you receive through salvation in order to help you renew your mind and walk victoriously.


Missions I – God has one unified, global purpose for all He does. This course introduces the exciting biblical, historical, cultural, and strategic dimensions of His plan. It addresses key issues: the basis of and necessity for world missions, and the status of and plans for world missions. Students are introduced to the basic information needed to pursue missionary training or to help lead their local church in its global ministry.
New Creation Realities – An investigation into the Hidden man of the Heart, the spirit man, according to the great plan of redemption. This course will scripturally unveil who we are in Christ through the new birth.


New Testament Survey – The student will obtain a general knowledge of the theme and contents of each New Testament book and gain an understanding of the meaning and significance of the historical events and messages of the New Testament.
Old Testament Survey – The student will obtain a general knowledge of the theme and contents of each Old Testament book and gain an understanding of the meaning and significance of the historical events and messages of the Old Testament.
Prayer I – This course will study what prayer is and how to get prayers answered, the purpose, the necessity, the possibilities, the power, the weapons, and the essentials of prayer.
Revival: Nothing More, Nothing Less, Nothing Else – In this class, it is explained that real revival is not just a touch but a change – it is coming back to your first love, Jesus. Every student needs a touch from the Master’s hand, a touch that will impact and mark their entire life. When the student is touched, revived, and changed by the Holy Spirit, not only will they know it but the world will hear it in their words and see it in their actions and attitude. You are guaranteed that when you are done with this course you will never be the same.


Righteousness vs Sin Consciousness - The force of Righteousness is one of the most under-taught and known Biblical truths available to the believer today!  Through the works of Jesus Christ, this is yet another gift that has always been part of the salvation package yet also must be received.   Righteousness is not what we do as we tend to tie it to our works.  Righteousness is who we are and when received and wielded in the hands of a believer, this powerful force will change the way you live your life unto Jesus Christ. Are you righteous? 


Seeing Jesus as He Really Is - This course offers an intimate and inspirational look at the life of Jesus. Using the text Seeing Jesus As He Really Is, this course will explore the Gospels as they reveal Jesus.


Soul Winning I – This is a course on introducing Christ to others in the workplace, on foreign fields, and local neighborhoods. Each student will experience the joy of leading others to Christ and then follow up with them to make them disciples.


Stewardship I – This course will familiarize the student with many scriptures that pertain to finances and stewardship. A foundation is given for personal life as well as equipping with truths needed for preaching on stewardship and giving in ministry.
Submission & Authority – The student will realize the importance of submission and authority in their daily walk of faith and learn how to be prepared to submit to authority while learning how to walk in God-given authority.
This Present Glory - This course will address the current situation within the body of Christ on the subject of spiritual warfare with a central focus on the "light" which is the Lord, rather than the "darkness" that is in the world. The spiritual weapons available to us as Christians will be discussed in detail. Using the word of God, a comparison will be made between current beliefs about spiritual warfare to reveal what is a fact and what is fiction. You will learn what spiritual warfare is and how the battle is fought.


Apologetics - This course is an introduction to Christian apologetics, and will serve as a primer of cultural exegesis and cultural hermeneutics, the goal of which is to equip students with the critical analytical tools to engage contemporary cultural issues as they relate to matters of faith.  Topics include comparative worldview, science and faith, secularism, aesthetics and ethics.  Through required and recommended readings, group discussions, and lectures the student will gain a clearer understanding of how to navigate and respond pastorally to some of today’s most challenging issues while at the same time formulating a cohesive Christian response to them.


Angels and Demons - This course will ground you, the student, in the Word of God concerning the activity of angels and demons. It will also build faith for dealing scripturally with both Godly angels and fallen angels/demons.​


The Blessing - God’s first words to man were words of blessing.  This course reveals God’s original intent and connection to His man, not as a spiritual concept, but a material reality.  THE BLESSING and the historical and spiritual journey surrounding it, are examined in scripture.  Students will recognize a sharp contrast between the world’s system and God’s system of operation as spiritual laws governing prosperity are revealed.  Discovery of the true nature of God, which is His desire to demonstrate His love and goodness, will create a secure foundation from which student can receive all that encompasses God’s prosperous plan for His children.
Christian Lifestyle  - This course will help the student develop strong spiritual and biblical discernment of what a true Christian lifestyle looks like. The emphasis will be on purity and holiness in life, ministry, and conduct as a believer. We will study how the Gifts of the Spirit and especially the fruit of the Spirit cancel the works of the flesh.
Eschatology – Eschatology is the branch of theology that deals with the final consummation of all things. We will be covering such subject matter as the rapture, the tribulation, judgment, and the life to come.
Great Awakenings – This course is designed to confirm God has through the history of the church always had those that were “flames of fire” and stirred people up concerning God and His Word. The 1st and 2nd Great Awakenings will be studied as well as the lives and ministries of very influential “flames of fire” such as Charles Finney, William Seymour, Smith Wigglesworth,
Jonathan Edwards and many more.


Healing and Miracle Ministry of Jesus –  Mark 16:17-20 teaches healing has not ceased and as believers rise and take their position as the hands and feet of Jesus manifestations of healing will go forth. This course is designed to further establish that from the ministry of Jesus, it is God’s will to heal today. A thorough examination of the gospels will be made to study and build faith that just as Jesus was in the world, so are we which includes the ministry of healing and miracles. The proof will be established that God is not only able to heal but because of His compassion and mercy has made provision for healing through the finished work of Jesus.


Homiletics I and II – These classes are designed to help each student gain confidence in their own ability and in the ability of the Holy Spirit to help him/her in pulpit ministry. Also to help the student be aware of ways to improve his/her presentation.


Intercessory Prayer and Spiritual Warfare - The purpose of this course is to teach that all areas of the church must be covered with prayer continuously; prayer for nations, leaders, governments, and all those in authority.  How does one pray for families, partners, supporters, and the entire Body of Christ.  The students will learn how to rely on God’s power to break through, pull down, and build up victoriously while flowing in the Holy Spirit.  The importance of creating an atmosphere for signs wonders and miracles will be examined.


Israel: a Virtual Tour - The student will tour virtually through present-day Israel with an emphasis on ancient Bible sites and the history of those sites.


Leadership – This course will develop a biblical foundation for leadership. Students will discover principles that will help them to develop leadership qualities in their lives.
The Love Walk – In this course the student will be encouraged, exhorted, and provoked to press into God, and make a commitment to really get to know the Father. The student will learn that by walking in the love of God, one can walk in victory in every area of life.
Ministry Gifts - This course will cover Ministry Gifts and the Divine Call. Students will develop an understanding that, as ministers of the Gospel, we are entrusted with God’s strength and might.
Missions II – A continuation of exciting biblical, historical, cultural, and strategic dimensions of God’s plan to evangelize the world with the Gospel. Students are introduced to more information needed to pursue a calling into missions or to help lead a local church in its global ministry.
Old Testament Men of Faith – In this class, you will gain insight into the lives of many of the Old Testament saints and become aware that they utilized faith and its principles in a living and dynamic way.
Preparation for Ministry/The Minister's Family – Through both lecture and hands-on experience, this course was designed to help students with the practical and business aspects of ministry and to equip them with the tools needed to begin a ministry.  This course will also give the student called into ministry a thorough understanding of the practicalities and demands of ministry placed on the family and how to deal with them successfully; in other words, how to balance family and ministry correctly.
Prison Epistles – This course is designed to study the letters of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon that were written by Paul from prison and yet deal with some of the most liberating concepts imaginable. The student will have a better understanding of their position in Christ, the joy that resides within them regardless of their circumstances, the exclusive lordship of Jesus, and the healing that is brought to an individual through extending love and forgiveness to others.


Signs & Wonders: The Book of Acts – The student will learn that signs and wonders should be an everyday occurrence in the believer’s life. The student will also come to an understanding that signs, wonders, and miracles are not just for the church, but they are for the demonstration of the power of God outside the four walls of the church.
The Tabernacle of Moses – This is a Biblical study of the framework and spiritual meaning of the Tabernacle of Moses regarding its example, typology, and practical implications for the New Covenant.
Vision – Learn what “vision” is and be instructed on how to recognize God’s vision for your life and the importance of having the patience to wait for the vision to have its perfect work in your life.
Worship as a Lifestyle - This course will give the student a thorough understanding of the foundation, purpose, and practice of worship in the believer’s life. Emphasis will be placed on worship as a lifestyle for the believer, discovering how man’s entire existence is tied to living in and depending upon God’s presence.

2-Course Descriptons
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